Cordoba 2016, European Capital of Culture

Since 1985 the European Union Council decided to bring the European culture, costumes and traditions all around the world. Cordoba is a perfect city for being the European Capital of Culture because is an example of tolerance and respect between the different cultures. The Romans, the Muslims, the Jews and the Christians were living together in the heart of Andalusia, being the capital of Roman Baetica, and being the capital of Umayyad Caliphate for political, economic, cultural and religious interests.

Cordoba is a perfect place which opens the doors of Europe to other cultures throught the museums, theatres, art galleries, and monuments such as the Roman Bridge, the Great Mosque-Cathedral (World Heritage Site by the UNESCO), Archaeological site of Cercadilla, Roman Temple, Archeological Site of Medina Azahara, Sinagoge, Roman Mauseloum, etc.

As English students we should try to speak in English (the common and international language spoken) to communicate with other cultures and help the tourism to understand our cultural roots and make them feeling like at home.


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